
Below is a list of the different services inxby Marketing offers. The list is not inclusive to all we are able to help with, though some marketing efforts may be limited. Service availability is subject to change. Not sure which services your small business needs? Schedule a no-obligation, free discovery call to see which service may be best for your business goals. 

Social Media Advertising

Utilize the power of Facebook and Instagram advertising to drive awareness, land sales, and increase brand loyalty.

Google Ads Management

Increase traffic, sales, and brand awareness to your business through Google Advertising.

Organic Social Media Management

Increase traffic, brand awareness, and brand loyalty through social media management. 

Email Campaigns

Increase brand loyalty through periodic email newsletters to your customers.

Content/Copy Writing

Looking to educate your audience or persuade them to purchase your product or service? Let our award-winning writing help!

Website Editing

Need some basic website editing done? Let's see how we can help.

*all above services require their respective account managers already set up. A set-up fee will apply for any account not already set up. Some exclusions apply.